Tuesday, July 21, 2009

hello again...hello

dear me
dunno if i can do this
as many who know me know i've been marathon blog-reading Chez Larsson... here is her link:
but getting back into MY OWN BLOG is sorta weird. i've been lurking for years now. ever since my dream of running a marathon came crashing down. i'd spent so much time and energy chronicling my 'progress' (and blisters and torture and euphoria and tumult, etc) and once it started fading i posted infrequently but then when the dream hit the can....my blogging dried up.

so i don't even really know what i'm doing. can't spend any time learning it either. just know i've been inspired and WANT TO. so chez larsson (benita of sweden who has a WHITE beautiful, UNCLUTTERED home) is on typepad and when I link to her, the link above shows typepad but then when i try to post her link somewhere else it says DOT COM. so who the heck knows. anyone (ahem, dear hubby) who KNOWS anything about anything in the techno world is too busy w/ his own projects (read: bringing a VW bus back to life) and work (thank-you-dear-hubby-i-love-you-for-working-for-us--so-we-can-live-in-this-house--so-i-can-stay-home-and-so-we-can-educate-our-children-and-so-WE-can-raise-them-not-someone-else--thank you a million!) ((gaaaaaasp)) but the long and short of it, folks is that i am not a techno wizard. the knowledge refuses to just FALL INTO MY BRAIN
so...here's me...blogging about my life (full) but using a media (blank slate in my brain) of which i know little and just play w/ by trial and error!

SPEAKING OF WHICH, if i hadn't JUST unceremoniously whipped my cord off the table (thankfully clear, thanks to benita from sveden!) and plugged it in and connected it to this computer, this whole post woulda been finito, gone-o! so, thankfully, we're still here. getting our juice.

have i mentioned that it's 6:14 a.m. and i've been up since 3:15? love this new schedule. well, i love it at 6 when the sun is peeking and i've accomplished some stuff and i'm writing or reading while my sweeties slumber peacefully.....but i sure didn't like it at 3:15 when dh's alarm was going off BING BING BING loudly-er than LIFE!

thank You, Lord, for this day.. even tho it might just reach 102 here today.. ugh


Megan said...

Hi Katie, wow...what a beautiful comment you left at my blog. I am honored that you connected so much with our story. Certainly the best part of my blog is the people I meet through it, so thank you for introducing yourself! Looking forward to poking around here at your blog and getting to know you!
Have a great weekend!

Megan said...

Oh, and when you asked what would happen for our mail...
We left in December and just heard yesterday that a letter was delivered for us that was postmarked from the States in October!
They are forwarding it back to Texas...I am guessing it might get here by July??!!